agujero en la pared de un baño público utilizado por voyeristas

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agujero en la pared de un baño público utilizado por voyeristas
glory hole
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Phonetic: "/ˈɡlo(ː)ɹi/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Great or overwhelming beauty or splendour.

Definition: Honour, admiration, or distinction, accorded by common consent to a person or thing; high reputation; renown.

Definition: That quality in a person or thing which secures general praise or honour.

Definition: Worship or praise.

Definition: An optical phenomenon, consisting of concentric rings and somewhat similar to a rainbow, caused by sunlight or moonlight interacting with the water droplets that compose mist or clouds, centered on the antisolar or antilunar point.

Definition: Victory; success.

Definition: An emanation of light supposed to shine from beings that are specially holy. It is represented in art by rays of gold, or the like, proceeding from the head or body, or by a disk, or a mere line.

Definition: The manifestation of the presence of God as perceived by humans in Abrahamic religions.

Definition: Pride; boastfulness; arrogance.

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Phonetic: "/ˈɡlo(ː)ɹi/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To exult with joy; to rejoice.

Definition: To boast; to be proud.

Definition: To shine radiantly.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A hollow place or cavity; an excavation; a pit; an opening in or through a solid body, a fabric, etc.; a perforation; a rent; a fissure.

Example: There’s a hole in my shoe.  Her stocking has a hole in it.

Definition: (heading) In games.

Definition: An excavation pit or trench.

Definition: A weakness; a flaw or ambiguity.

Example: I have found a hole in your argument.

Definition: A container or receptacle.

Example: car hole;  brain hole

Definition: In semiconductors, a lack of an electron in an occupied band behaving like a positively charged particle.

Definition: A security vulnerability in software which can be taken advantage of by an exploit.

Definition: An orifice, in particular the anus. When used with shut it always refers to the mouth.

Example: Just shut your hole!

Definition: (particularly in the phrase "get one's hole") Sex, or a sex partner.

Example: Are you going out to get your hole tonight?

Definition: (with "the") Solitary confinement, a high-security prison cell often used as punishment.

Definition: An undesirable place to live or visit; a hovel.

Example: His apartment is a hole!

Definition: Difficulty, in particular, debt.

Example: If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Definition: A chordless cycle in a graph.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To make holes in (an object or surface).

Example: Shrapnel holed the ship's hull.

Definition: (by extension) To destroy.

Example: She completely holed the argument.

Definition: To go into a hole.

Definition: To drive into a hole, as an animal, or a billiard ball or golf ball.

Example: Woods holed a standard three foot putt

Definition: To cut, dig, or bore a hole or holes in.

Example: to hole a post for the insertion of rails or bars

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