bar bar gezmek

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bar bar gezmek
bum around
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Phonetic: "/bʌm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The buttocks.

Example: Okay, everyone sit on your bum and try and touch your toes.

Definition: The anus.

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Phonetic: "/bʌm/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To sodomize; to engage in anal sex.

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Phonetic: "/bʌm/"

Part Of Speech: interjection

Definition: An expression of annoyance.

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Phonetic: "/əˈɹaʊnd/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: (with the verb "to be") Present in the vicinity.

Example: Is Clare around today?

Definition: (with the verb "to be") Alive; existing.

Example: "How is old Bob? I heard that his health is failing."  "Oh, he's still around. He's feeling better now."

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Phonetic: "/əˈɹaʊnd/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: So as to form a circle or trace a circular path, or approximation thereof.

Example: High above, vultures circled around.

Definition: So as to surround or be near.

Example: Everybody please gather around.

Definition: Nearly; approximately; about.

Example: An adult elephant weighs around five tons.

Definition: From place to place.

Example: Look around and see what you find.

Definition: From one state or condition to an opposite or very different one; with a metaphorical change in direction; bringing about awareness or agreement.

Example: He used to stay up late but his new girlfriend changed that around.

Definition: (with turn, spin etc.) So as to partially or completely rotate; so as to face in the opposite direction.

Example: She spun around a few times.

Definition: Used with verbs to indicate repeated or continuous action, or in numerous locations or with numerous people.

Example: I asked around, and no-one really liked it.

Definition: Used with certain verbs to suggest unproductive activity.

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Phonetic: "/əˈɹaʊnd/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Defining a circle or closed curve containing a thing.

Example: I planted a row of lilies around the statue.

Definition: (of abstract things) Centred upon; surrounding.

Example: There has been a lot of controversy around the handling of personal information.

Definition: Following the perimeter of a specified area and returning to the starting point.

Example: She went around the track fifty times.

Definition: Following a path which curves near an object, with the object on the inside of the curve.

Example: The road took a brief detour around the large rock formation, then went straight on.

Definition: Near; in the vicinity of.

Example: I don't want you around me.

Definition: At or to various places within.

Example: She went around the office and got everyone to sign the card.

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