(bir şeyi) dalga dövmek

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(bir şeyi) dalga dövmek
break over (something)
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Phonetic: "/bɹeɪk/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An instance of breaking something into two or more pieces.

Example: The femur has a clean break and so should heal easily.

Definition: A physical space that opens up in something or between two things.

Example: He waited minutes for a break in the traffic to cross the highway.

Definition: A rest or pause, usually from work.

Example: Let’s take a five-minute break.

Definition: A time for students to talk or play.

Definition: A short holiday.

Example: a weekend break on the Isle of Wight

Definition: A temporary split with a romantic partner.

Example: I think we need a break.

Definition: An interval or intermission between two parts of a performance, for example a theatre show, broadcast, or sports game.

Definition: A significant change in circumstance, attitude, perception, or focus of attention.

Example: big break

Definition: The beginning (of the morning).

Example: at the break of day

Definition: An act of escaping.

Example: It was a clean break.

Definition: The separation between lines, paragraphs or pages of a written text.

Definition: A keystroke or other signal that causes a program to terminate or suspend execution.

Definition: A point or condition in a program at which operation may be suspended during debugging so that the state of the program at that point can be investigated. A breakpoint.

Definition: A change, particularly the end of a spell of persistent good or bad weather.

Definition: :

Definition: A large four-wheeled carriage, having a straight body and calash top, with the driver's seat in front and the footman's behind.

Definition: (equitation) A sharp bit or snaffle.

Definition: A short section of music, often between verses, in which some performers stop while others continue.

Example: The fiddle break was amazing; it was a pity the singer came back in on the wrong note.

Definition: The point in the musical scale at which a woodwind instrument is designed to overblow, that is, to move from its lower to its upper register.

Example: Crossing the break smoothly is one of the first lessons the young clarinettist needs to master.

Definition: Usu. plural An area along a river that features steep banks, bluffs, or gorges (e.g., Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument, US).

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Phonetic: "/bɹeɪk/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To separate into two or more pieces, to fracture or crack, by a process that cannot easily be reversed for reassembly.

Example: If the vase falls to the floor, it might break.

Definition: To divide (something, often money) into smaller units.

Example: Can you break a hundred-dollar bill for me?

Definition: To cause (a person or animal) to lose spirit or will; to crush the spirits of.

Example: Her child's death broke Angela.

Definition: To be crushed, or overwhelmed with sorrow or grief.

Example: My heart is breaking.

Definition: To interrupt; to destroy the continuity of; to dissolve or terminate.

Example: I had won four games in a row, but now you've broken my streak of luck.

Definition: To ruin financially.

Example: The recession broke some small businesses.

Definition: To violate, to not adhere to.

Example: He broke his vows by cheating on his wife.

Definition: (of a fever) To pass the most dangerous part of the illness; to go down, in terms of temperature.

Example: Susan's fever broke at about 3 AM, and the doctor said the worst was over.

Definition: (of a spell of settled weather) To end.

Example: The forecast says the hot weather will break by midweek.

Definition: (of a storm) To begin; to end.

Example: Around midday the storm broke, and the afternoon was calm and sunny.

Definition: (of morning, dawn, day etc.) To arrive.

Example: Morning has broken.

Definition: To render (a game) unchallenging by altering its rules or exploiting loopholes or weaknesses in them in a way that gives a player an unfair advantage.

Example: Changing the rules to let white have three extra queens would break chess.

Definition: To stop, or to cause to stop, functioning properly or altogether.

Example: Did you two break the trolley by racing with it?

Definition: To cause (a barrier) to no longer bar.

Example: break a seal

Definition: To destroy the arrangement of; to throw into disorder; to pierce.

Example: The cavalry were not able to break the British squares.

Definition: (of a wave of water) To collapse into surf, after arriving in shallow water.

Definition: To burst forth; to make its way; to come into view.

Definition: To interrupt or cease one's work or occupation temporarily.

Example: Let's break for lunch.

Definition: To interrupt (a fall) by inserting something so that the falling object does not (immediately) hit something else beneath.

Example: He survived the jump out the window because the bushes below broke his fall.

Definition: To disclose or make known an item of news, etc.

Example: I don't know how to break this to you, but your cat is not coming back.

Definition: (of a sound) To become audible suddenly.

Definition: To change a steady state abruptly.

Example: His coughing broke the silence.

Definition: To suddenly become.

Example: The arrest was standard, when suddenly the suspect broke ugly.

Definition: Of a male voice, to become deeper at puberty.

Definition: Of a voice, to alter in type due to emotion or strain: in men generally to go up, in women sometimes to go down; to crack.

Example: His voice breaks when he gets emotional.

Definition: To surpass or do better than (a specific number), to do better than (a record), setting a new record.

Example: He broke the men's 100-meter record.

Definition: :

Definition: (most often in the passive tense) To demote, to reduce the military rank of.

Definition: To end (a connection), to disconnect.

Example: I couldn't hear a thing he was saying, so I broke the connection and called him back.

Definition: (of an emulsion) To demulsify.

Definition: To counter-attack

Definition: To lay open, as a purpose; to disclose, divulge, or communicate.

Definition: To become weakened in constitution or faculties; to lose health or strength.

Definition: To fail in business; to become bankrupt.

Definition: To destroy the strength, firmness, or consistency of.

Example: to break flax

Definition: To destroy the official character and standing of; to cashier; to dismiss.

Definition: To make an abrupt or sudden change; to change the gait.

Example: to break into a run or gallop

Definition: To fall out; to terminate friendship.

Definition: To terminate the execution of a program before normal completion.

Definition: To suspend the execution of a program during debugging so that the state of the program can be investigated.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A set of six legal balls bowled.

Definition: Any surplus amount of money, goods delivered, etc.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To go over, or jump over.

Example: He overed the fence in good style.

Definition: To run about.

Example: The cattle have been overing all day because of the flies.

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Discontinued; ended or concluded.

Example: The show is over.

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Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Thoroughly; completely; from beginning to end.

Example: I'm going to look over our department's expenses.

Definition: To an excessive degree; overly.

Definition: From an upright position to being horizontal.

Example: He bent over to touch his toes.

Definition: Horizontally; left to right or right to left.

Example: I moved over to make room for him to sit down.

Definition: From one position or state to another.

Example: Come over and play!

Definition: Overnight (throughout the night).

Example: Can I sleep over?

Definition: (usually with do) Again; another time; once more; over again.

Example: I lost my paper and I had to do the entire assignment over.

Definition: (procedure word) a procedure word meaning that a station is finished transmitting and is expecting a response.

Example: Bravo Six Four, this is Bravo Six Actual. Send your traffic, over.

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Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Physical positioning.

Definition: By comparison.

Definition: Indicating relative status, authority, or power

Example: The owner's son lorded over the experienced managers.

Definition: Divided by.

Example: four over two equals two over one

Definition: Separates the three of a kind from the pair in a full house.

Example: 9♦9♠9♣6♥6♠ = nines over sixes

Definition: Finished with; done with; from one state to another via a hindrance that must be solved or defeated; or via a third state that represents a significant difference from the first two.

Example: He is finally over his [distress over the loss of the relationship with his] ex-girlfriend.

Definition: While using, especially while consuming.

Definition: Concerning or regarding.

Example: The two boys had a fight over whose girlfriend was the best.

Definition: Above, implying superiority after a contest; in spite of; notwithstanding.

Example: It was a fine victory over their opponents.

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Part Of Speech: interjection

Definition: In radio communications: end of sentence, ready to receive reply.

Example: How do you receive? Over!

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