
Kullanım örnekleri

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Phonetic: "/bɜːnɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To cause to be consumed by fire.

Example: He burned his manuscript in the fireplace.

Definition: To be consumed by fire, or in flames.

Example: He watched the house burn.

Definition: To overheat so as to make unusable.

Example: He burned the toast. The blacksmith burned the steel.

Definition: To become overheated to the point of being unusable.

Example: The grill was too hot and the steak burned.

Definition: To make or produce by the application of fire or burning heat.

Example: to burn a hole;  to burn letters into a block

Definition: To injure (a person or animal) with heat or chemicals that produce similar damage.

Example: She burned the child with an iron, and was jailed for ten years.

Definition: To cauterize.

Definition: To sunburn.

Example: She forgot to put on sunscreen and burned.

Definition: To consume, injure, or change the condition of, as if by action of fire or heat; to affect as fire or heat does.

Example: to burn the mouth with pepper

Definition: To be hot, e.g. due to embarrassment.

Example: The child's forehead was burning with fever.  Her cheeks burned with shame.

Definition: To cause to combine with oxygen or other active agent, with evolution of heat; to consume; to oxidize.

Example: A human being burns a certain amount of carbon at each respiration.  to burn iron in oxygen

Definition: To combine energetically, with evolution of heat.

Example: Copper burns in chlorine.

Definition: To write data to a permanent storage medium like a compact disc or a ROM chip.

Example: We’ll burn this program onto an EEPROM one hour before the demo begins.

Definition: To betray.

Example: The informant burned him.

Definition: To insult or defeat.

Example: I just burned you again.

Definition: To waste (time); to waste money or other resources.

Example: The company has burned more than a million dollars a month this year.

Definition: In certain games, to approach near to a concealed object which is sought.

Example: You're cold... warm... hot... you're burning!

Definition: To accidentally touch a moving stone.

Definition: In pontoon, to swap a pair of cards for another pair, or to deal a dead card.

Definition: To increase the exposure for certain areas of a print in order to make them lighter (compare dodge).

Definition: (of an element) To be converted to another element in a nuclear fusion reaction, especially in a star

Definition: To discard.

Definition: To shoot someone with a firearm.

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Phonetic: "/bɜːnɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act by which something burns or is burned.

Definition: A fire.

Example: The burnings continued all day.

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Phonetic: "/bɜːnɪŋ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: So hot as to seem to burn (something).

Example: the burning sun

Definition: Feeling very hot.

Example: burning skin

Definition: Feeling great passion.

Example: her burning heart

Definition: Consuming; intense; inflaming; exciting; vehement; powerful.

Example: burning zeal

Definition: Being keenly discussed.

Example: a burning question; a burning issue

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