decúbito lateral izquierdo

Kullanım örnekleri

decúbito lateral izquierdo
left lateral recumbent position
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Phonetic: "/lɛft/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The left side or direction.

Definition: The ensemble of left-wing political parties. Those holding left-wing views as a group.

Example: The political left is holding too much power.

Definition: The left hand or fist.

Definition: A punch delivered with the left fist.

Definition: A wave breaking from left to right (viewed from the shore).

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Phonetic: "/lɛft/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: The opposite of right; toward the west when one is facing north.

Example: The left side.

Definition: Pertaining to the political left.

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Phonetic: "/lɛft/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: On the left side.

Definition: Towards the left side.

Example: Turn left at the corner.

Definition: Towards the political left.

Example: The East Coast of the US leans left in elections.

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Phonetic: "/ˈlæt.ɹəl/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An object, such as a passage or a protrusion, that is situated on the side of something else.

Definition: A sound produced through lateral pronunciation (such as /l/ in lateral).

Definition: A lateral pass.

Definition: An employee hired for a position at the same organizational level or salary as their previous position.

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Phonetic: "/ˈlæt.ɹəl/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To move (oneself or something) in a lateral direction.

Definition: To execute a lateral pass.

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Phonetic: "/ˈlæt.ɹəl/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: To the side; of or pertaining to the side.

Example: Instead of a promotion, I opted for a lateral move to a similar position in the marketing department.

Definition: Non-linear or unconventional, as in, lateral thinking.

Definition: Pertaining to the left or right of the body; further from the midline.

Example: A fish senses changes in hydrodynamic pressure with its lateral line.

Definition: At right angles to a line of motion or strain.

Definition: Pertaining to sounds generated by partially blocking the egress of the airstream with the tip of the tongue touching the alveolar ridge, leaving space on one or both sides of the occlusion for air passage.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A bicycle or tricycle that places the rider in a reclined posture.

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Lying down.

Definition: Inactive; idle.

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Phonetic: "/pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A place or location.

Definition: A post of employment; a job.

Definition: A status or rank.

Example: Chief of Staff is the second-highest position in the army.

Definition: An opinion, stand or stance.

Example: My position on this issue is unchanged.

Definition: A posture.

Example: Stand in this position, with your arms at your side.

Definition: (team sports) A place on the playing field, together with a set of duties, assigned to a player.

Example: Stop running all over the field and play your position!

Definition: An amount of securities, commodities, or other financial instruments held by a person, firm or institution.

Definition: A commitment, or a group of commitments, such as options or futures, to buy or sell a given amount of financial instruments, such as securities, currencies or commodities, for a given price.

Definition: A method of solving a problem by one or two suppositions; also called the rule of trial and error.

Definition: The full state of a chess game at any given turn.

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Phonetic: "/pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To put into place.

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