sıraya girmek

Kullanım örnekleri

sıraya girmek
come into line
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Phonetic: "/kʌm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Coming, arrival; approach.

Definition: Semen

Definition: Female ejaculatory discharge.

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Phonetic: "/kʌm/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To move from further away to nearer to.

Example: She’ll be coming ’round the mountain when she comes [...]

Definition: To arrive.

Definition: To appear, to manifest itself.

Example: The pain in his leg comes and goes.

Definition: (with an infinitive) To begin to have an opinion or feeling.

Example: She came to think of that country as her home.

Definition: (with an infinitive) To do something by chance, without intending to do it.

Example: Could you tell me how the document came to be discovered?

Definition: To take a position relative to something else in a sequence.

Example: Which letter comes before Y?   Winter comes after autumn.

Definition: To achieve orgasm; to cum; to ejaculate.

Example: He came after a few minutes.

Definition: (with close) To approach a state of being or accomplishment.

Example: One of the screws came loose, and the skateboard fell apart.

Definition: (with to) To take a particular approach or point of view in regard to something.

Example: He came to SF literature a confirmed technophile, and nothing made him happier than to read a manuscript thick with imaginary gizmos and whatzits.

Definition: (fossil word) To become, to turn out to be.

Example: He was a dream come true.

Definition: To be supplied, or made available; to exist.

Example: A new sports car doesn't come cheap.

Definition: To carry through; to succeed in.

Example: You can't come any tricks here.

Definition: Happen.

Example: This kind of accident comes when you are careless.

Definition: (with from or sometimes of) To have as an origin, originate.

Definition: (of grain) To germinate.

Definition: To pretend to be; to behave in the manner of.

Example: Don't come the innocent victim. We all know who's to blame here.

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Phonetic: "/kʌm/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Used to indicate a point in time at or after which a stated event or situation occurs.

Example: Come retirement, their Social Security may turn out to be a lot less than they counted on.

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Phonetic: "/kʌm/"

Part Of Speech: interjection

Definition: An exclamation to express annoyance.

Example: Come come! Stop crying.  Come now! You must eat it.

Definition: An exclamation to express encouragement, or to precede a request.

Example: Come come! You can do it.  Come now! It won't bite you.

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Phonetic: "/ˈɪn.tuː/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: To or towards the inside of.

Example: Mary danced into the house.

Definition: To or towards the region of.

Example: The eagle flew off into the wide blue sky.

Definition: Against, especially with force or violence.

Example: I wasn't careful, and walked into a wall

Definition: Indicates transition into another form or substance.

Example: I carved the piece of driftwood into a sculpture of a whale.

Definition: After the start of.

Example: About 20 minutes into the flight, the pilot reported a fire on board.

Definition: Interested in or attracted to.

Example: My date for tonight has black hair, and I'm into that.

Definition: Expressing the operation of multiplication.

Example: Five into three is fifteen.

Definition: Expressing the operation of division, with the denominator given first. Usually with "goes".

Example: 24 goes into 48 how many times?

Definition: Investigating the subject (of).

Example: There have been calls for research into the pesticides that are blamed for the decline in bee populations.

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Phonetic: "/laɪn/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A path through two or more points (compare ‘segment’); a continuous mark, including as made by a pen; any path, curved or straight.

Example: The arrow descended in a curved line.

Definition: A rope, cord, string, or thread, of any thickness.

Definition: A hose or pipe, of any size.

Example: a brake line

Definition: Direction, path.

Example: the line of sight

Definition: The wire connecting one telegraphic station with another, a telephone or internet cable between two points: a telephone or network connection.

Example: I tried to make a call, but the line was dead.

Definition: A clothesline.

Definition: A letter, a written form of communication.

Example: Drop me a line.

Definition: A connected series of public conveyances, as a roadbed or railway track; and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc.

Example: a line of stages

Definition: A trench or rampart, or the non-physical demarcation of the extent of the territory occupied by specified forces.

Definition: The exterior limit of a figure or territory: a boundary, contour, or outline; a demarcation.

Definition: A long tape or ribbon marked with units for measuring; a tape measure.

Definition: A measuring line or cord.

Definition: That which was measured by a line, such as a field or any piece of land set apart; hence, allotted place of abode.

Definition: A threadlike crease or wrinkle marking the face, hand, or body; hence, a characteristic mark.

Definition: Lineament; feature; figure (of one's body).

Definition: A more-or-less straight sequence of people, objects, etc., either arranged as a queue or column and often waiting to be processed or dealt with, or arranged abreast of one another in a row (and contrasted with a column), as in a military formation.

Example: The line forms on the right.

Definition: The regular infantry of an army, as distinguished from militia, guards, volunteer corps, cavalry, artillery etc.

Definition: A series or succession of ancestors or descendants of a given person; a family or race; compare lineage.

Definition: A small amount of text. Specifically:

Definition: Course of conduct, thought, occupation, or policy; method of argument; department of industry, trade, or intellectual activity.

Definition: The official, stated position (or set of positions) of an individual or group, particularly a political or religious faction.

Example: Remember, your answers must match the party line.

Definition: A set of products or services sold by a business, or by extension, the business itself.

Example: How many buses does the line have?

Definition: A number of shares taken by a jobber.

Definition: A measure of length:

Definition: A maxwell, a unit of magnetic flux.

Definition: (1800s, with "the") The batter’s box.

Definition: The position in which the fencers hold their swords.

Definition: Proper relative position or adjustment (of parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference to smooth working).

Example: the engine is in line / out of line

Definition: A small path-shaped portion or serving of a powdery illegal drug, especially cocaine.

Definition: Instruction; doctrine.

Definition: Population of cells derived from a single cell and containing the same genetic makeup.

Definition: (perfusion line) a set composed of a spike, a drip chamber, a clamp, a Y-injection site, a three-way stopcock and a catheter.

Definition: A group of forwards that play together.

Definition: A vascular catheter.

Example: line sepsis

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Phonetic: "/laɪn/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To place (objects) into a line (usually used with "up"); to form into a line; to align.

Example: to line troops

Definition: To place persons or things along the side of for security or defense; to strengthen by adding; to fortify.

Example: to line works with soldiers

Definition: To form a line along.

Definition: To mark with a line or lines, to cover with lines.

Example: to line a copy book

Definition: To represent by lines; to delineate; to portray.

Definition: To read or repeat line by line.

Example: to line out a hymn

Definition: To hit a line drive; to hit a line drive which is caught for an out. Compare fly and ground.

Example: Jones lined to left in his last at-bat.

Definition: To track (wild bees) to their nest by following their line of flight.

Definition: To measure.

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