todavía es muy temprano

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todavía es muy temprano
it is still too soon
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Phonetic: "/ɪt/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: One who is neither a he nor a she; a creature; a dehumanized being.

Definition: The person who chases and tries to catch the other players in the playground game of tag.

Example: In the next game, Adam and Tom will be it…

Definition: The game of tag.

Example: Let's play it at breaktime.

Definition: Sex appeal, especially that which goes beyond beauty.

Definition: Sexual activity.

Example: caught them doing it

Definition: A biological force that inhabits living beings, according to the vitalist approach of Georg Groddeck.

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Phonetic: "/ɪt/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Most fashionable.

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Phonetic: "/ɪt/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: The third-person singular personal pronoun that is normally used to refer to an inanimate object or abstract entity, also often used to refer to animals.

Example: I heard the sound of the school bus - it was early today.

Definition: A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to a child, especially of unknown gender.

Example: She took the baby and held it in her arms.

Definition: Used to refer to someone being identified, often on the phone, but not limited to this situation.

Example: Is it her?

Definition: The impersonal pronoun, used without referent as the subject of an impersonal verb or statement. (known as the dummy pronoun or weather it)

Example: It is nearly 10 o’clock.

Definition: The impersonal pronoun, used without referent in various short idioms.

Definition: The impersonal pronoun, used as a placeholder for a delayed subject, or less commonly, object; known as the dummy pronoun or, more formally in linguistics, a syntactic expletive. The delayed subject is commonly a to-infinitive, a gerund, or a noun clause introduced by a .

Example: He saw to it that everyone would vote for him. (with the noun clause introduced by that)

Definition: All or the end; something after which there is no more.

Example: Are there more students in this class, or is this it?

Definition: A third-person singular personal pronoun used to refer to an animate referent who is transgender or is neither female nor male.

Definition: Followed by an omitted and understood relative pronoun: That which; what.

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Phonetic: "/stɪl/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A period of calm or silence.

Example: the still of the night

Definition: A photograph, as opposed to movie footage.

Definition: A resident of the Falkland Islands.

Definition: A steep hill or ascent.

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Phonetic: "/stɪl/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Not moving; calm.

Example: Still waters run deep.

Definition: Not effervescing; not sparkling.

Example: still water; still wines

Definition: Uttering no sound; silent.

Definition: Having the same stated quality continuously from a past time

Definition: Comparatively quiet or silent; soft; gentle; low.

Definition: Constant; continual.

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Phonetic: "/stɪl/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Without motion.

Example: They stood still until the guard was out of sight.

Definition: (aspect) Up to a time, as in the preceding time.

Example: Is it still raining?   It was still raining five minutes ago.

Definition: (degree) To an even greater degree. Used to modify comparative adjectives or adverbs.

Example: Tom is tall; Dick is taller; Harry is still taller.

Definition: Nevertheless.

Example: I’m not hungry, but I’ll still manage to find room for dessert.

Definition: Always; invariably; constantly; continuously.

Definition: (extensive) Even, yet.

Example: Some dogs howl, more yelp, still more bark.

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Phonetic: "/tuː/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: (focus) Likewise.

Definition: Also; in addition.

Example: There has been a cutback in federal subsidies. Too, rates have been increasing.

Definition: (degree) To an excessive degree; over; more than enough.

Definition: (degree) To a high degree, very.

Example: She doesn't talk too much.  I'm not too sure about this.

Definition: (affirmation) Used to contradict a negative assertion.

Example: "You're not old enough yet."  "I am, too!"

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Phonetic: "/suːn/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Short in length of time from the present.

Example: I need the soonest date you have available.

Definition: Early

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Phonetic: "/suːn/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Immediately, instantly.

Definition: Within a short time; quickly.

Definition: Early.

Definition: Readily; willingly; used with would, or some other word expressing will.

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