una conciencia tranquila

Kullanım örnekleri

una conciencia tranquila
a clear conscience
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Phonetic: "/æɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The name of the Latin script letter A/a.

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Phonetic: "/klɪə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Full extent; distance between extreme limits; especially; the distance between the nearest surfaces of two bodies, or the space between walls.

Example: a room ten feet square in the clear

Definition: The completion of a stage or challenge, or of the whole game.

Definition: A person who is free from the influence of engrams.

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Phonetic: "/klɪə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To remove obstructions, impediments or other unwanted items from.

Example: If you clear the table, I'll wash up.

Definition: To remove (items or material) so as to leave something unobstructed or open.

Example: Please clear all this stuff off the table.

Definition: To become free from obstruction or obscurement; to become transparent.

Example: After a heavy rain, the sky cleared nicely for the evening.

Definition: To eliminate ambiguity or doubt from (a matter); to clarify or resolve; to clear up.

Example: We need to clear this issue once and for all.

Definition: To remove from suspicion, especially of having committed a crime.

Example: The court cleared the man of murder.

Definition: To pass without interference; to miss.

Example: The door just barely clears the table as it closes.

Definition: (activities such as jumping or throwing) To exceed a stated mark.

Example: She was the first female high jumper to clear two metres.

Definition: To finish or complete (a stage, challenge, or game).

Example: I cleared the first level in 36 seconds.

Definition: Of a check or financial transaction, to go through as payment; to be processed so that the money is transferred.

Example: The check might not clear for a couple of days.

Definition: To earn a profit of; to net.

Example: He's been clearing seven thousand a week.

Definition: To approve or authorise for a particular purpose or action; to give clearance to.

Example: Air traffic control cleared the plane to land.

Definition: To obtain approval or authorisation in respect of.

Example: I've cleared the press release with the marketing department, so go ahead and publish it.

Definition: To obtain a clearance.

Example: The steamer cleared for Liverpool today.

Definition: To obtain permission to use (a sample of copyrighted audio) in another track.

Definition: To disengage oneself from incumbrances, distress, or entanglements; to become free.

Definition: To hit, kick, head, punch etc. (a ball, puck) away in order to defend one's goal.

Example: A low cross came in, and Smith cleared.

Definition: To reset or unset; to return to an empty state or to zero.

Example: to clear an array;  to clear a single bit (binary digit) in a value

Definition: To style (an element within a document) so that it is not permitted to float at a given position.

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Phonetic: "/klɪə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Transparent in colour.

Example: as clear as crystal

Definition: Bright, not dark or obscured.

Example: Congress passed the President’s Clear Skies legislation.

Definition: Free of obstacles.

Example: The coast is clear.

Definition: Without clouds.

Example: clear weather; a clear day

Definition: Of the sky, such that less than one eighth of its area is obscured by clouds.

Definition: Free of ambiguity or doubt.

Example: Do I make myself clear? Crystal clear.

Definition: Distinct, sharp, well-marked.

Definition: Free of guilt, or suspicion.

Example: a clear conscience

Definition: (of a soup) Without a thickening ingredient.

Definition: Possessing little or no perceptible stimulus.

Example: clear of texture; clear of odor

Definition: Free from the influence of engrams; see Clear (Scientology).

Definition: Able to perceive clearly; keen; acute; penetrating; discriminating.

Example: a clear intellect; a clear head

Definition: Not clouded with passion; serene; cheerful.

Definition: Easily or distinctly heard; audible.

Definition: Unmixed; entirely pure.

Example: clear sand

Definition: Without defects or blemishes, such as freckles or knots.

Example: a clear complexion; clear lumber

Definition: Without diminution; in full; net.

Example: a clear profit

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Phonetic: "/klɪə(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: All the way; entirely.

Example: I threw it clear across the river to the other side.

Definition: Not near something or touching it.

Example: Stand clear of the rails, a train is coming.

Definition: Free (or separate) from others

Definition: In a clear manner; plainly.

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Phonetic: "/kɒnʃəns/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The moral sense of right and wrong, chiefly as it affects one's own behaviour.

Example: Your conscience is your highest authority.

Definition: (chiefly fiction) A personification of the moral sense of right and wrong, usually in the form of a person, a being or merely a voice that gives moral lessons and advices.

Definition: Consciousness; thinking; awareness, especially self-awareness.

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