vitrin camı

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vitrin camı
show window glass
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Phonetic: "/ʃəʊ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A play, dance, or other entertainment.

Definition: An exhibition of items.

Example: art show;  dog show

Definition: A broadcast program/programme.

Example: radio show;  television show

Definition: A movie.

Example: Let's catch a show.

Definition: An agricultural show.

Example: I'm taking the kids to the show on Tuesday.

Definition: A project or presentation.

Example: Let's get on with the show.   Let's get this show on the road.   They went on an international road show to sell the shares to investors.   It was Apple's usual dog and pony show.

Definition: A demonstration.

Example: show of force

Definition: Mere display or pomp with no substance. (Usually seen in the phrases "all show" and "for show".)

Example: The dog sounds ferocious but it's all show.

Definition: Outward appearance; wileful or deceptive appearance.

Definition: (with "the") The major leagues.

Example: He played AA ball for years, but never made it to the show.

Definition: A pale blue flame at the top of a candle flame, indicating the presence of firedamp.

Definition: Pretence.

Definition: Sign, token, or indication.

Definition: Semblance; likeness; appearance.

Definition: Plausibility.

Definition: A discharge, from the vagina, of mucus streaked with blood, occurring a short time before labor.

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Phonetic: "/ʃəʊ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To display, to have somebody see (something).

Example: All he had to show for four years of attendance at college was a framed piece of paper.

Definition: To bestow; to confer.

Definition: To indicate (a fact) to be true; to demonstrate.

Definition: To guide or escort.

Example: Could you please show him on his way. He has overstayed his welcome.

Definition: To be visible; to be seen; to appear.

Example: At length, his gloom showed.

Definition: To put in an appearance; show up.

Example: We waited for an hour, but they never showed.

Definition: To have an enlarged belly and thus be recognizable as pregnant.

Definition: (racing) To finish third, especially of horses or dogs.

Example: In the third race: Aces Up won, paying eight dollars; Blarney Stone placed, paying three dollars; and Cinnamon showed, paying five dollars.

Definition: To have a certain appearance, such as well or ill, fit or unfit; to become or suit; to appear.

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Phonetic: "/ˈwɪndəʊ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The inedible parts of a grain-producing plant.

Example: To separate out the chaff, early cultures tossed baskets of grain into the air and let the wind blow away the lighter chaff.

Definition: Straw or hay cut up fine for the food of cattle.

Definition: Any excess or unwanted material, resource, or person; anything worthless.

Definition: Light jesting talk; banter; raillery.

Definition: Loose material, e.g. small strips of aluminum foil dropped from aircraft, intended to interfere with radar detection.

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Phonetic: "/ˈwɪndəʊ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An opening, usually covered by one or more panes of clear glass, to allow light and air from outside to enter a building or vehicle.

Definition: An opening, usually covered by glass, in a shop which allows people to view the shop and its products from outside; a shop window.

Definition: The shutter, casement, sash with its fittings, or other framework, which closes a window opening.

Definition: A period of time when something is available.

Example: launch window;  window of opportunity;  You have a two-hour window of clear weather to finish working on the lawn.

Definition: A restricted range.

Definition: A rectangular area on a computer terminal or screen containing some kind of user interface, displaying the output of and allowing input for one of a number of simultaneously running computer processes.

Definition: A figure formed of lines crossing each other.

Definition: The time between first infection and detectability.

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Phonetic: "/ˈwɪndəʊ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To furnish with windows.

Definition: To place at or in a window.

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Phonetic: "/ɡlɑːs/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To apply fibreglass to.

Example: to fibreglass the hull of a fishing-boat

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Phonetic: "/ɡlɑːs/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An amorphous solid, often transparent substance made by melting sand with a mixture of soda, potash and lime.

Example: A popular myth is that window glass is actually an extremely viscous liquid.

Definition: A vessel from which one drinks, especially one made of glass, plastic, or similar translucent or semi-translucent material.

Example: Fill my glass with milk, please.

Definition: (metonymically) The quantity of liquid contained in such a vessel.

Example: There is half a glass of milk in each pound of chocolate we produce.

Definition: Glassware.

Example: We collected art glass.

Definition: A mirror.

Example: She adjusted her lipstick in the glass.

Definition: A magnifying glass or telescope.

Definition: A barrier made of solid, transparent material.

Definition: A barometer.

Definition: (in names of species) Transparent or translucent.

Example: glass frog;  glass shrimp;  glass worm

Definition: An hourglass.

Definition: Lenses, considered collectively.

Example: Her new camera was incompatible with her old one, so she needed to buy new glass.

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Phonetic: "/ɡlɑːs/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To fit with glass; to glaze.

Definition: To enclose in glass.

Definition: To strike (someone), particularly in the face, with a drinking glass with the intent of causing injury.

Definition: To bombard an area with such intensity (nuclear bomb, fusion bomb, etc) as to melt the landscape into glass.

Definition: To view through an optical instrument such as binoculars.

Definition: To smooth or polish (leather, etc.), by rubbing it with a glass burnisher.

Definition: To reflect; to mirror.

Definition: To make glassy.

Definition: To become glassy.

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