
Kullanım örnekleri

large or deformed foot
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Phonetic: "/ˈlɑːd͡ʒ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An old musical note, equal to two longas, four breves, or eight semibreves.

Definition: Liberality, generosity.

Definition: (plural: large) A thousand dollars/pounds.

Example: Getting a car tricked out like that will cost you 50 large.

Definition: A large serving of something.

Example: One small coffee and two larges, please.

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Phonetic: "/ˈlɑːd͡ʒ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of considerable or relatively great size or extent.

Example: Russia is a large country.   The fruit-fly has large eyes for its body size.   He has a large collection of stamps.

Definition: Abundant; ample.

Definition: Full in statement; diffuse; profuse.

Definition: Free; unencumbered.

Definition: Unrestrained by decorum; said of language.

Definition: Crossing the line of a ship's course in a favorable direction; said of the wind when it is abeam, or between the beam and the quarter.

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Phonetic: "/ˈlɑːd͡ʒ/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Before the wind.

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Phonetic: "/ɔː(ɹ)/"

Part Of Speech: conjunction

Definition: Connects at least two alternative words, phrases, clauses, sentences, etc. each of which could make a passage true. In English, this is the "inclusive or." The "exclusive or" is formed by "either [...] or".

Example: He might get cancer, or be hit by a bus, or God knows what.

Definition: An operator denoting the disjunction of two propositions or truth values. There are two forms, the inclusive or and the exclusive or.

Definition: Counts the elements before and after as two possibilities.

Definition: Otherwise (a consequence of the condition that the previous is false).

Example: It's raining! Come inside or you'll catch a cold!

Definition: Connects two equivalent names.

Example: The country Myanmar, or Burma

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Phonetic: "/dɪˈfɔːmd/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To change the form of, usually negatively; to give (something) an unusual or abnormal shape.

Definition: To change the looks of, usually negatively; to give something an unusual or abnormal appearance.

Example: a face deformed by bitterness

Definition: To mar the character of.

Example: a marriage deformed by jealousy

Definition: To alter the shape of by stress.

Definition: To become misshapen or changed in shape.

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Phonetic: "/dɪˈfɔːmd/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Unusual of shape; misshapen.

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Phonetic: "[fʊt̚]"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A biological structure found in many animals that is used for locomotion and that is frequently a separate organ at the terminal part of the leg.

Example: A spider has eight feet.

Definition: Specifically, a human foot, which is found below the ankle and is used for standing and walking.

Example: Southern Italy is shaped like a foot.

Definition: (often used attributively) Travel by walking.

Example: There is a lot of foot traffic on this street.

Definition: The base or bottom of anything.

Example: I'll meet you at the foot of the stairs.

Definition: The part of a flat surface on which the feet customarily rest.

Example: We came and stood at the foot of the bed.

Definition: The end of a rectangular table opposite the head.

Example: The host should sit at the foot of the table.

Definition: A short foot-like projection on the bottom of an object to support it.

Example: The feet of the stove hold it a safe distance above the floor.

Definition: A unit of measure equal to twelve inches or one third of a yard, equal to exactly 30.48 centimetres.

Example: The flag pole at the local high school is about 20 feet high.

Definition: A unit of measure for organ pipes equal to the wavelength of two octaves above middle C, approximately 328 mm.

Definition: (collective) Foot soldiers; infantry.

Example: King John went to battle with ten thousand foot and one thousand horse.

Definition: (cigars) The end of a cigar which is lit, and usually cut before lighting.

Definition: The part of a sewing machine which presses downward on the fabric, and may also serve to move it forward.

Definition: The bottommost part of a typed or printed page.

Definition: The base of a piece of type, forming the sides of the groove.

Definition: The basic measure of rhythm in a poem.

Definition: The parsing of syllables into prosodic constituents, which are used to determine the placement of stress in languages along with the notions of constituent heads.

Definition: The bottom edge of a sail.

Example: To make the mainsail fuller in shape, the outhaul is eased to reduce the tension on the foot of the sail.

Definition: The end of a billiard or pool table behind the foot point where the balls are racked.

Definition: In a bryophyte, that portion of a sporophyte which remains embedded within and attached to the parent gametophyte plant.

Definition: The muscular part of a bivalve mollusc or a gastropod by which it moves or holds its position on a surface.

Definition: The globular lower domain of a protein.

Definition: The point of intersection of one line with another that is perpendicular to it.

Definition: Fundamental principle; basis; plan.

Definition: Recognized condition; rank; footing.

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Phonetic: "[fʊt̚]"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To use the foot to kick (usually a ball).

Definition: To pay (a bill).

Definition: To tread to measure or music; to dance; to trip; to skip.

Definition: To walk.

Definition: To tread.

Example: to foot the green

Definition: To set on foot; to establish; to land.

Definition: To renew the foot of (a stocking, etc.).

Definition: To sum up, as the numbers in a column; sometimes with up.

Example: to foot (or foot up) an account

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