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streets between avenues in a city
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Phonetic: "/stɹiːts/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A paved part of road, usually in a village or a town.

Example: Walk down the street until you see a hotel on the right.

Definition: A road as above but including the sidewalks (pavements) and buildings.

Example: I live on the street down from Joyce Avenue.

Definition: The people who live in such a road, as a neighborhood.

Definition: The people who spend a great deal of time on the street in urban areas, especially, the young, the poor, the unemployed, and those engaged in illegal activities.

Definition: An illicit or contraband source, especially of drugs.

Example: I got some pot cheap on the street.

Definition: Streetwise slang.

Definition: A great distance.

Example: He's streets ahead of his sister in all the subjects in school.

Definition: Each of the three opportunities that players have to bet, after the flop, turn and river.

Definition: Living in the streets.

Example: a street cat; a street urchin

Definition: (urban toponymy) By restriction, the streets that run perpendicular to avenues.

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Phonetic: "/stɹiːts/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To build or equip with streets.

Definition: To eject; to throw onto the streets.

Definition: (by extension) To heavily defeat.

Definition: To go on sale.

Definition: To proselytize in public.

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Phonetic: "/bɪˈtwiːn/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A kind of needle, shorter than a sharp, with a small rounded eye, used for making fine stitches on heavy fabrics.

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Phonetic: "/bɪˈtwiːn/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: In the position or interval that separates (two things), or intermediate in quantity or degree. (See Usage notes below.)

Example: I want to buy one that costs somewhere between forty and fifty dollars.

Definition: Done together or reciprocally.

Example: conversation between friends

Definition: Shared in confidence.

Example: Between you and me, I think the boss is crazy.  Let's keep this between ourselves.

Definition: In transit from (one to the other, or connecting places).

Example: He's between jobs right now.  The shuttle runs between the town and the airport.

Definition: Combined (by effort or ownership).

Example: Between the leaky taps and the peeling wallpaper, there isn't much about this house to appeal to a buyer.

Definition: One of (representing a choice).

Example: Some colour-blind people can't distinguish between red and green.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A broad street, especially one bordered by trees.

Definition: A way or opening for entrance into a place; a passage by which a place may be reached; a way of approach or of exit.

Definition: The principal walk or approach to a house which is withdrawn from the road, especially, such approach bordered on each side by trees; any broad passageway thus bordered.

Definition: A method or means by which something may be accomplished.

Example: There are several avenues by which we can approach this problem.

Definition: (urban toponymy) A street, especially, in cities laid out in a grid pattern, one that is in a particular side of the city or that runs in a particular direction.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A position of power or influence, or a way to get it.

Example: His parents got him an in with the company.

Definition: (chiefly in the plural) One who, or that which, is in; especially, one who is in office.

Definition: The state of a batter/batsman who is currently batting; see innings.

Definition: A re-entrant angle; a nook or corner.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To enclose.

Definition: To take in; to harvest.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Located indoors, especially at home or at one's office or place of work.

Example: Is Mr. Smith in?

Definition: Located inside something.

Example: Little by little I pushed the snake into the basket, until finally all of it was in.

Definition: (of the ball or other playing implement) Falling or remaining within the bounds of the playing area.

Example: If the tennis ball bounces on the line then it's in.

Definition: Inserted or fitted into something.

Example: I've discovered why the TV wasn't working – the plug wasn't in!

Definition: Having been collected or received.

Example: The replies to the questionnaires are now all in.

Definition: In fashion; popular.

Example: Skirts are in this year.

Definition: Incoming.

Example: the in train

Definition: (of the sails of a vessel) Furled or stowed.

Definition: Of the tide, at or near its highest level.

Example: You can't get round the headland when the tide's in.

Definition: With privilege or possession; used to denote a holding, possession, or seisin.

Example: in by descent; in by purchase; in of the seisin of her husband

Definition: Currently batting.

Definition: Having familiarity or involvement with somebody.

Example: He is very in with the Joneses.

Definition: Having a favourable position, such as a position of influence or expected gain, in relation to another person.

Example: I think that bird fancies you. You're in there, mate!

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: At or towards the interior of a defined space, such as a building or room.

Example: He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and dived in.

Definition: Towards the speaker or other reference point.

Example: For six hours the tide flows in, then for another six hours it flows out.

Definition: So as to be enclosed or surrounded by something.

Example: Bring the water to the boil and drop the vegetables in.

Definition: Still eligible to play, e.g. able to bat in cricket and baseball.

Example: He went for the wild toss but wasn't able to stay in.

Definition: After the beginning of something.

Example: The show still didn't become interesting 20 minutes in.

Definition: (in combination, after a verb) Denotes a gathering of people assembled for the stated activity, sometimes, though not always, suggesting a protest.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Used to indicate location, inclusion, or position within spatial, temporal or other limits.

Definition: Into.

Example: Less water gets in your boots this way.

Definition: Used to indicate limit, qualification, condition, or circumstance.

Example: In replacing the faucet washers, he felt he was making his contribution to the environment.

Definition: Used to indicate means, medium, format, genre, or instrumentality.

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Phonetic: "/æɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The name of the Latin script letter A/a.

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Phonetic: "/sɪtɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A large settlement, bigger than a town; sometimes with a specific legal definition, depending on the place.

Example: São Paulo is the largest city in South America.

Definition: A settlement granted special status by royal charter or letters patent; traditionally, a settlement with a cathedral regardless of size.

Definition: The central business district; downtown.

Example: I'm going into the city today to do some shopping.

Definition: A large amount of something (used after the noun).

Example: It's video game city in here!

Web Türkçe-İngilizce Çevirmen

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