normal olarak

Kullanım örnekleri

normal olarak
in the ordinary course of things
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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A position of power or influence, or a way to get it.

Example: His parents got him an in with the company.

Definition: (chiefly in the plural) One who, or that which, is in; especially, one who is in office.

Definition: The state of a batter/batsman who is currently batting; see innings.

Definition: A re-entrant angle; a nook or corner.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To enclose.

Definition: To take in; to harvest.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Located indoors, especially at home or at one's office or place of work.

Example: Is Mr. Smith in?

Definition: Located inside something.

Example: Little by little I pushed the snake into the basket, until finally all of it was in.

Definition: (of the ball or other playing implement) Falling or remaining within the bounds of the playing area.

Example: If the tennis ball bounces on the line then it's in.

Definition: Inserted or fitted into something.

Example: I've discovered why the TV wasn't working – the plug wasn't in!

Definition: Having been collected or received.

Example: The replies to the questionnaires are now all in.

Definition: In fashion; popular.

Example: Skirts are in this year.

Definition: Incoming.

Example: the in train

Definition: (of the sails of a vessel) Furled or stowed.

Definition: Of the tide, at or near its highest level.

Example: You can't get round the headland when the tide's in.

Definition: With privilege or possession; used to denote a holding, possession, or seisin.

Example: in by descent; in by purchase; in of the seisin of her husband

Definition: Currently batting.

Definition: Having familiarity or involvement with somebody.

Example: He is very in with the Joneses.

Definition: Having a favourable position, such as a position of influence or expected gain, in relation to another person.

Example: I think that bird fancies you. You're in there, mate!

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: At or towards the interior of a defined space, such as a building or room.

Example: He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and dived in.

Definition: Towards the speaker or other reference point.

Example: For six hours the tide flows in, then for another six hours it flows out.

Definition: So as to be enclosed or surrounded by something.

Example: Bring the water to the boil and drop the vegetables in.

Definition: Still eligible to play, e.g. able to bat in cricket and baseball.

Example: He went for the wild toss but wasn't able to stay in.

Definition: After the beginning of something.

Example: The show still didn't become interesting 20 minutes in.

Definition: (in combination, after a verb) Denotes a gathering of people assembled for the stated activity, sometimes, though not always, suggesting a protest.

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Phonetic: "/ɪn/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Used to indicate location, inclusion, or position within spatial, temporal or other limits.

Definition: Into.

Example: Less water gets in your boots this way.

Definition: Used to indicate limit, qualification, condition, or circumstance.

Example: In replacing the faucet washers, he felt he was making his contribution to the environment.

Definition: Used to indicate means, medium, format, genre, or instrumentality.

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Phonetic: "/ði/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: With a comparative or with more and a verb phrase, establishes a correlation with one or more other such comparatives.

Example: It looks weaker and weaker, the more I think about it.

Definition: With a comparative, and often with for it, indicates a result more like said comparative. This can be negated with none. See none the.

Example: I'm much the wiser for having had a difficult time like that.

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A person with authority; authority, ordinance.

Definition: Something ordinary or regular.

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Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: (of a judge) Having regular jurisdiction; now only used in certain phrases.

Definition: Being part of the natural order of things; normal, customary, routine.

Example: On an ordinary day I wake up at nine o'clock, work for six hours, and then go to the gym.

Definition: Having no special characteristics or function; everyday, common, mundane; often deprecatory.

Example: He looked so ordinary, I never thought he'd be capable of murder.

Definition: Bad or undesirable.

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Phonetic: "/kɔːs/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A sequence of events.

Example: The normal course of events seems to be just one damned thing after another.

Definition: A path that something or someone moves along.

Example: His illness ran its course.

Definition: The lowest square sail in a fully rigged mast, often named according to the mast.

Example: Main course and mainsail are the same thing in a sailing ship.

Definition: (in the plural, courses) Menses.

Definition: A row or file of objects.

Definition: One or more strings on some musical instruments (such as the guitar, lute or vihuela): if multiple, then closely spaced, tuned in unison or octaves and intended to played together.

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Phonetic: "/kɔːs/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To run or flow (especially of liquids and more particularly blood).

Example: Blood pumped around the human body courses throughout all its veins and arteries.

Definition: To run through or over.

Definition: To pursue by tracking or estimating the course taken by one's prey; to follow or chase after.

Definition: To cause to chase after or pursue game.

Example: to course greyhounds after deer

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Phonetic: "/ɔv/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Expressing distance or motion.

Definition: Expressing separation.

Definition: Expressing origin.

Definition: Expressing agency.

Definition: Expressing composition, substance.

Definition: Introducing subject matter.

Definition: Having partitive effect.

Definition: Expressing possession.

Definition: Forming the "objective genitive".

Definition: Expressing qualities or characteristics.

Definition: Expressing a point in time.

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Phonetic: "/θɪŋz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: That which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept.

Definition: A word, symbol, sign, or other referent that can be used to refer to any entity.

Definition: An individual object or distinct entity.

Definition: A genuine concept, entity or phenomenon; something that actually exists (often contrary to expectation or belief).

Example: Bacon pie? Is that a thing?

Definition: Whatever can be owned.

Definition: Corporeal object.

Definition: (somewhat obsolete, with the) The latest fad or fashion.

Definition: (in the plural) Clothes, possessions or equipment.

Example: Hold on, let me just grab my things.

Definition: A unit or container, usually containing edible goods.

Example: get me a thing of apple juice at the store;  I just ate a whole thing of jelly beans

Definition: A problem, dilemma, or complicating factor.

Example: The car looks cheap, but the thing is, I have doubts about its safety.

Definition: A penis.

Definition: A living being or creature.

Example: you poor thing;  she's a funny old thing, but her heart's in the right place;  I met a pretty blond thing at the bar

Definition: That which matters; the crux.

Example: that's the thing: we don't know where he went;  the thing is, I don't have any money

Definition: Used after a noun to refer dismissively to the situation surrounding the noun's referent.

Example: Oh yeah, I'm supposed to promote that vision thing.

Definition: That which is favoured; personal preference. (Used in possessive constructions.)

Definition: A public assembly or judicial council in a Germanic country.

Definition: A romantic relationship.

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Phonetic: "/θɪŋz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To express as a thing; to reify.

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Phonetic: "/θɪŋz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: One's clothes, furniture, luggage, or possessions collectively; stuff

Example: Get your hands off my things!

Türkçeden İngilizceye En Hızlı Çevirmen

Çeviri yazılımımızı diğer makine çevirmenlerinden farklı kılmak için çok yol kat ettik. Türkçe - İngilizce çevirmenimiz orijinal metnin anlamını ve cümlenin ana fikrini asıl amaçlandığı gibi korumak için tasarlanmıştır. Çevirmenimiz olabildiğince insandır. Ürünümüz en iyi gizliliği sağlar. Verilerinizi izlemiyor, satmıyor veya saklamıyoruz. Çevirileriniz size aittir. Transferler için kayıt ve ödeme gerekli değildir!

Tek bir tıklamayla kelimeleri çevirin! Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevirmenimiz iki yönlü bir çeviri programıdır, anlamların ikamesi için kapsamlı bir sözlük içerir, kelime öbeklerinin ve ifadelerin kullanım örneklerini ve bunların fonetik bileşenlerini gösterir. Tercümanımız, çeviri alanındaki bilgi tabanını sürekli olarak güncelleyen ve son kullanıcı için tamamen anonim ve ücretsiz olarak korurken hizmet kalitesini koruyan profesyonel bir dilbilimci ekibi tarafından oluşturulmuştur. Çevirileriniz sadece size ait!Sözlüğümüz size İngilizce ve Türkçe terimleri arayabileceğiniz geniş bir kütüphane sunmaktadır. Örnekler ve ayrıştırma ile mesleğe, jargona ve yaygın ifadelere göre kelimeleri arayabilirsiniz. Uygulamalarımızı iPhone, Android, iPad, Windows 10/11 ve macOS için kullanabilirsiniz. Çevrimiçi İngilizce - Türkçe çevirmenimizde, kategoriye ve farklı telaffuzlara göre 2 milyondan fazla kelimeyi arayabilirsiniz.İster eğitim, iş veya kişisel amaçlar için İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye veya Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevrilmiş metinlere ihtiyacınız olsun, online çeviri siteleri aklınıza gelen ilk çözüm olabilir. Tercümanımız kurumsal, akademik, yasal, tıbbi terimleri yetkin bir şekilde dikkate alır. Ayrıca çeviri aşamasında, aklınıza gelen metnin, ihtiyacınız olan terimler kullanılarak, bu alanda profesyonellerle çalışarak ihtiyacınız olan tarzda tercüme edildiğinden emin olabilirsiniz.