petek kiriş

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petek kiriş
castellated beam
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Phonetic: "/ˈkastəleɪtɪd/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Castle-like: built or shaped like a castle.

Definition: Having grooves or recesses on an upper face.

Definition: Castled: having or furnished with castles.

Definition: Housed or kept in a castle.

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Phonetic: "/biːm/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Any large piece of timber or iron long in proportion to its thickness, and prepared for use.

Definition: One of the principal horizontal timbers of a building; one of the transverse members of a ship's frame on which the decks are laid — supported at the sides by knees in wooden ships and by stringers in steel ones.

Definition: The maximum width of a vessel (note that a vessel with a beam of 15 foot can also be said to be 15 foot abeam)

Example: This ship has more beam than that one.

Definition: The crossbar of a mechanical balance, from the ends of which the scales are suspended.

Definition: The principal stem of the antler of a deer.

Definition: The pole of a carriage or chariot.

Definition: A cylinder of wood, making part of a loom, on which weavers wind the warp before weaving and the cylinder on which the cloth is rolled, as it is woven.

Definition: The straight part or shank of an anchor.

Definition: The central bar of a plow, to which the handles and colter are secured, and to the end of which are attached the oxen or horses that draw it.

Definition: In steam engines, a heavy iron lever having an oscillating motion on a central axis, one end of which is connected with the piston rod from which it receives motion, and the other with the crank of the wheel shaft.

Definition: A ray or collection of approximately parallel rays emitted from the sun or other luminous body.

Example: a beam of energy

Definition: A ray; a gleam.

Example: a beam of hope, or of comfort

Definition: One of the long feathers in the wing of a hawk.

Definition: A horizontal bar which connects the stems of two or more notes to group them and to indicate metric value.

Definition: An elevated rectangular dirt pile used to cheaply build an elevated portion of a railway.

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Phonetic: "/biːm/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To emit beams of light; shine; radiate.

Example: to beam forth light

Definition: To smile broadly or especially cheerfully.

Definition: To furnish or supply with beams

Definition: To give the appearance of beams to.

Definition: To transmit matter or information via a high-tech wireless mechanism.

Example: Beam me up, Scotty; there's no intelligent life down here.

Definition: (currying) To stretch something (for example an animal hide) on a beam.

Definition: To put (something) on a beam

Definition: To connect (musical notes) with a beam, or thick line, in music notation.

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