sich kalt wie ein Fisch verhalten

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sich kalt wie ein Fisch verhalten
act like a cold fish
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Phonetic: "/æk/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: Something done, a deed.

Example: an act of goodwill

Definition: Actuality.

Definition: Something done once and for all, as distinguished from a work.

Definition: A product of a legislative body, a statute.

Definition: The process of doing something.

Example: He was caught in the act of stealing.

Definition: A formal or official record of something done.

Definition: A division of a theatrical performance.

Example: The pivotal moment in the play was in the first scene of the second act.

Definition: A performer or performers in a show.

Example: Which act did you prefer? The soloist or the band?

Definition: Any organized activity.

Definition: A display of behaviour.

Definition: A thesis maintained in public, in some English universities, by a candidate for a degree, or to show the proficiency of a student.

Definition: A display of behaviour meant to deceive.

Example: to put on an act

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Phonetic: "/æk/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To do something.

Example: If you don't act soon, you will be in trouble.

Definition: To do (something); to perform.

Definition: To perform a theatrical role.

Example: I started acting at the age of eleven in my local theatre.

Definition: Of a play: to be acted out (well or badly).

Definition: To behave in a certain manner for an indefinite length of time.

Example: A dog which acts aggressively is likely to bite.

Definition: To convey an appearance of being.

Example: He acted unconcerned so the others wouldn't worry.

Definition: To do something that causes a change binding on the doer.

Example: act on behalf of John

Definition: (construed with on or upon) To have an effect (on).

Example: Gravitational force acts on heavy bodies.

Definition: To play (a role).

Example: He's been acting Shakespearean leads since he was twelve.

Definition: To feign.

Example: He acted the angry parent, but was secretly amused.

Definition: (construed with on or upon, of a group) To map via a homomorphism to a group of automorphisms (of).

Example: This group acts on the circle, so it can't be left-orderable!

Definition: To move to action; to actuate; to animate.

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Phonetic: "/laɪk/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (usually in the plural) Something that a person likes (prefers).

Example: Tell me your likes and dislikes.

Definition: An individual vote showing support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet.

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Phonetic: "/laɪk/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To enjoy, be pleased by; favor; be in favor of.

Example: I like hamburgers.

Definition: To please.

Definition: To derive pleasure of, by or with someone or something.

Definition: To prefer and maintain (an action) as a regular habit or activity.

Example: I like to go to the dentist every six months.

Definition: To have an appearance or expression; to look; to seem to be (in a specified condition).

Definition: To come near; to avoid with difficulty; to escape narrowly.

Example: He liked to have been too late.

Definition: To find attractive; to prefer the company of; to have mild romantic feelings for.

Example: I really like Sandra but don't know how to tell her.

Definition: To liken; to compare.

Definition: To show support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet by marking it with a vote.

Example: I can't stand Bloggs' tomato ketchup, but I liked it on Facebook so I could enter a competition.

Definition: (with 'would' and in certain other phrases) To want, desire. See also would like.

Example: We could go to the museum if you like.

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Phonetic: "/æɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The name of the Latin script letter A/a.

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Phonetic: "/kɔʊld/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: (of a thing) Having a low temperature.

Example: A cold wind whistled through the trees.

Definition: (of the weather) Causing the air to be cold.

Example: The forecast is that it will be very cold today.

Definition: (of a person or animal) Feeling the sensation of coldness, especially to the point of discomfort.

Example: She was so cold she was shivering.

Definition: Unfriendly, emotionally distant or unfeeling.

Example: She shot me a cold glance before turning her back.

Definition: Dispassionate, not prejudiced or partisan, impartial.

Example: He's a nice guy, but the cold facts say we should fire him.

Definition: Completely unprepared; without introduction.

Example: He was assigned cold calls for the first three months.

Definition: Unconscious or deeply asleep; deprived of the metaphorical heat associated with life or consciousness.

Example: After one more beer he passed out cold.

Definition: (usually with "have" or "know" transitively) Perfectly, exactly, completely; by heart.

Example: Keep that list in front of you, or memorize it cold.

Definition: (usually with "have" transitively) Cornered, done for.

Example: Criminal interrogation. Initially they will dream up explanations faster than you could ever do so, but when they become fatigued, often they will acknowledge that you have them cold.

Definition: Not pungent or acrid.

Definition: Unexciting; dull; uninteresting.

Definition: Affecting the sense of smell (as of hunting dogs) only feebly; having lost its odour.

Example: a cold scent

Definition: Not sensitive; not acute.

Definition: Distant; said, in the game of hunting for some object, of a seeker remote from the thing concealed. Compare warm and hot.

Example: You're cold … getting warmer … hot! You've found it!

Definition: Having a bluish effect; not warm in colour.

Definition: Rarely used or accessed, and thus able to be relegated to slower storage.

Definition: Without compassion; heartless; ruthless

Example: I can't believe she said that...that was cold!

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Phonetic: "/fɪʃ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A cold-blooded vertebrate animal that lives in water, moving with the help of fins and breathing with gills.

Example: Salmon is a fish.

Definition: Any animal (or any vertebrate) that lives exclusively in water.

Definition: The flesh of the fish used as food.

Example: The seafood pasta had lots of fish but not enough pasta.

Definition: A card game in which the object is to obtain cards in pairs or sets of four (depending on the variation), by asking the other players for cards of a particular rank.

Definition: A woman.

Definition: An easy victim for swindling.

Definition: A bad poker player. Compare shark (a good poker player).

Definition: A makeshift overlapping longitudinal brace, originally shaped roughly like a fish, used to temporarily repair or extend a spar or mast of a ship.

Definition: A purchase used to fish the anchor.

Definition: A torpedo.

Definition: A paraphyletic grouping of the following extant taxonomic groups:

Definition: The thirty-fourth Lenormand card.

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